The navbar section defines the menu items and links in the navigation bar.
You may put any menu item in the navigation bar by adding : to the menu setting.
To put links on the right side of the navigation bar, add : to the links setting.
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navbar: # Navigation menu items menu: Zhihao Li's Blog: / Archives: /archives Categories: /categories Tags: /tags About: /about # Links to be shown on the right of the navigation bar links: GitHub: icon: fab fa-github url:
The footer section defines the links on the right side of the page footer. The link format is exactly the same as links in the navbar section.
You can choose a theme from all themes listed under highlight.js/src/styles to customize the code blocks. Copy the file name (without the .css extension) to the theme setting.
To hide the “copy” button of every code block, set clipboard to false.
If you wish to fold or unfold all code blocks, set the fold setting to folded or unfolded.
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highlight: # Code highlight themes # theme: atom-one-light # Show copy code button clipboard: true # Default folding status of the code blocks. Can be "", "folded", "unfolded" fold: unfolded
Read Time
You can show a word counter and the estimated reading time of your article above the article title by setting readtime to true in the article section.
1 2
article: readtime: true
Update Time
set update_time to true in the article section of your theme configuration file to show every article updated time.
1 2
article: update_time: true
Article Licensing
You can show a section at the end of your posts/pages describing the licensing of your work. Both text and icons are accepted as license links.
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article: # Article licensing block licenses: Creative Commons: icon: fab fa-creative-commons url: Attribution: icon: fab fa-creative-commons-by url: Noncommercial: icon: fab fa-creative-commons-nc url:
To make a sidebar fixed when you scroll the page, set the sticky setting of that sidebar to true in the sidebar section.
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sidebar: # Left sidebar configurations left: # Whether the sidebar sticks to the top when page scrolls sticky: false # Right sidebar configurations right: # Whether the sidebar sticks to the top when page scrolls sticky: true
3.3 Widgets Configuration
Profile Widget
Set multiple author_title and display by rows and set font-family in hexo-theme-icarus\layout\widget\profile.jsx
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{author ? <p class="title is-size-4 is-block" style="line-height: 'inherit'; font-family: Times New Roman">{author}</p> : null} {authorTitle ? <p style="white-space: pre-line; font-style: italic; font-family: Times New Roman; margin-bottom: 0.50rem; font-size: 1.0em">{authorTitle}</p> : null} {location ? <p class="is-size-5 is-flex justify-content-center" style="font-family: Times New Roman">
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# Author title author_title: | Computer Science Machine Learning
Set social_links using Font Awesome Icons
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social_links: Github: icon: fab fa-github url: Facebook: icon: fab fa-facebook url: Twitter: icon: fab fa-twitter url: Email: icon: fa-solid fa-envelope url: QQ: icon: fab fa-qq url:
4. Configure Home Page on the Site
In the normal case, the default home page includes some abstacts of blogs. However, in some case we want to to display our information or introduction about the website. That’s the time when we need to individually configure the home page.
Create a anticle under the source directory This is an anticle used for our individual content to be display on the home page.
Modify index_generator in the file of _config.yml We need to modify the index_generator:path to an invalid value for example default-index in order to shield the default home page.
Add the home page to the website In the configuration file of theme, we can add an item of home under menu item. And then set the home value like / || fa fa-home if we need an icon for the home page.
5. Open the Gallery
If we want to display multiple pictures in the gallery, we can use the following code to open the gallery.